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Ratatouille Strychnine
Saturday, Feb. 23, 2002 - 11:32 p.m.

I had a very fun day... Juluis' kickass play came in first place in the contest he wrote it for... It was a 24 hour play writting contest, and we put up four plays in like 12 hours... It was really hectic...

I Acted in a role in Juluis' play... which was fun... except for the fact that I had to watch myself on tape afterwerds...

I am fat... I am usually okay with this fact. Unless I have to actually look at myself, like on tape or in a picture... I think I should probably change that. Like go on a diet, or take karate, or something... I'd like to be able to watch tapes of myself and not focus on the rolls of fat around my waist and back...

But lke I said, this doeasn't always bother me... ::sigh:: I'm wierd... And in case I haven't made that perfectly clear here's a little extra proof: first go here (and no cheating!!) then once you've finished the test (and only after you've finished the test) go here and compare your results to mine... Now what's wierder than that? Juluis and I got the same results...

I kinda wanted Avigen to come tonight, but I didn't push it, because of the vampire larp... it only happens once a month, and it's not like this play was something that I spent months working on... still It would have been nice to have someone to duck away with after the show...Honestly... I love to act, I love the feel of being on stage, in front of people, and sucessfully entertaining them...

What I don't like is goig to see everyone afterwerds... I hate going out into the lobby, or whatever and having your family and friends family come up to you and tell you how great you were... Mainly because even if they mean it it sounds fake to me, like they're really going to come up to me and tell me I sucked... The other thing is that people rarely give you anything more than a great job... I like being critiqued... If someone tells me that I did a good job, I want to know what they liked, and what wasn't so great, so that I can work on it and learn from the overall expierance... Most people don't get that though...

Juluis, on the other hand, doesn't have the same hang up as I do... He likes the praise... ::shrug:: Like I said, I wish Avigen had been there, we could have snuck off and avoided all that...mmm bedtime...

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