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she will supply
Saturday, Mar. 02, 2002 - 11:04 p.m.

I had a relatively good day today... I worked for 4 hours with Piskie and twinkie... I don't get to work with twinkie too much... I always have fun when I do, she's really funny, and I she reminds me of the good things that happened while I was working at hell...

Then I went and hung out with Juluis, tried to calm him down a little (he's had a ruff couple of days), don't know if I helped things or made them worse...

Went home and waited for Aislinn to come so we could go up to juluis' college to see another of his plays that was going up. Another compition, another first place. Rock on Juluis you are awesome...

The three of us went out to dinner...

Aislinn told me she had two presents for me. One was ostrich meat, which she tricked me into eating (I had been trying to avoid doing that) it was okay...

the other she didn't give me until we were finished with dinner and back in her car. she said she'd only give it to me if I promised to keep it. it was $140. Just 'cause. she knows I don't have a lot of money right now, so she wanted to help me a little. I feel ::ponders what word to use:: mixed about this. Part of me is, of course, grateful. I AM short on cash, and help is appreciated. Part of me feels loved, that she thinks of me, and cares enough to help. the the other part of me (and it is a notebaly smaller part) is mad at me for being in this situation in the first place...

Last note: when I said that I was sick of stressing out over my friends in the last entry, I didn't mean that I wanted them to stop telling me. I'd rather know and stress, than not, and not be able to help if I can. What I ment when I said that was that I wish that they didn't have the problems in the first place...

Okay all done now...

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