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Bring your sister if you can't handle it
Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 - 1:08 a.m.

Hugh the Hand 69: hiiiiiii

Hugh the Hand 69: how're you?

Imandra 2: allo

Imandra 2: I'm fine, how're you?

Hugh the Hand 69: *latches onto her*

Hugh the Hand 69: im ok

Imandra 2: wassa matter?

Hugh the Hand 69: talking to Aislinn

Hugh the Hand 69: she had a shit day at work i guess

Imandra 2: kay


ugh the Hand 69: whats new? havent seen you in a while

Imandra 2: not to much. I work to much, I need another job, I shaved my head, you know the normal everyday stuff...

Hugh the Hand 69: ?!

Hugh the Hand 69: shaved?

Hugh the Hand 69: *drools*

Hugh the Hand 69: er

Hugh the Hand 69: er

Hugh the Hand 69: coooooool

Imandra 2: (I was kidding)

Hugh the Hand 69: awwwwwww

Hugh the Hand 69: nuts

Hugh the Hand 69: :-(

Imandra 2: ::raises eyebrow::

Hugh the Hand 69: girls with shaved heads are cooooooool

Hugh the Hand 69: er

Hugh the Hand 69: and damn sexy

Hugh the Hand 69: *looks embarassed*

Hugh the Hand 69: tank girl influenced me as a child

Imandra 2: lol

Imandra 2: I don't think it would work on me, and my boss at work would skin me alive if I did that...

Hugh the Hand 69: heh


That's Snakeface's SN. ::shrug:: I found it amusing, so I posted it.

For the most part today was a good day.

Didn't get to go to yoga, class was full, should go earlier next week.

Driving Julius to work tomorrow, and game.

working until 6. Blah

Opening with Piskie, this is a good thing.


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