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I'm a bitch
Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004 - 9:33 p.m.

I think bitchyness due to lack of activity is a family inherited trait of mine. The little one gets really bitchy when she's not exercizing, or taking ballet or gymnastics. I think I've reached the point of not being able to do nothing most of the day. I was such a bitch to Julius tonight. I can't even make an attempt to justify it in here, I can't really justify how I treated him The other night either. ::sigh:: I'm going stir crazey. I. Need. To. Find. A. Job. Not even for the money at this point, just to get out of the house for a few hours. For my sanity, and that of the people around me.

After dinner I went for a walk, I walked for about an hour. I feel much better now.

Julius is at his mom's house, I'll have to make sure I apologize to him when he comes home.


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