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Jul. 05, 2005 - 20:43

Okay, that's all done now. I've been changing my template a lot, I know. I switched over from Internet Explorer to Firefox awhile ago. Then O got sick of the red fairy layout that I had been using forever, and any layouts between that one and this one didn't really look right in Firefox. This one did, so I'm happy with it for now. I did the images myself, but the base coding was done by craze.D.esigns. I need to learn how to do codes myself, I have really good ideas for how I want layouts to look, but I don't know how to just sit in front of the "change your template" box and whip it out... Oh well.

So I've moved back in with mom and dad... I feel cut off from my friends. I also feel a little bit like we're all walking on eggshells here. I also feel bad about how I had to rush out of Julius and Avigen's. I left a bit of a mess, and I really didn't want to do that. blah. Julius Imed me last night though, so I don't think they're upset about it. I just wish my life weren't so shaken up right now. Moving out didn't settle anything, and actually, it added more chaos to my plate. If you all thought I was running around last minute, you should see things here. The house isn't on the market, my old room, and the bitchy one's old room (which I am now sleeping in) are a mess I believe the septic system has to be replaced, my mom wants to switch the living room and the dining room, and they want to be moved down to Florida by September. SEPTEMBER! I think I may have just been hired on as slave labor. ::sigh::

Piskie's gone into the Navy. As I type right now, she is in Boston getting ready to fly off to Indiana where she'll be gone for months. I'm going to miss her so much. It's just hard to think about all the random little things that make me laught until I almost wet myself that are caused because of her, and now they're not going to happen. Well I'm sure they will again, but not as often.

Thinking about her going also makes me realize how many people I'm going to be leaving behind. I'm not really having second thoughts. I am going to do this, I'm just wondering if it's the right choice. Is it really a good idea to leave my whole network of friends behind? What am I going to do without these people?

What's going to happen with Joyia? We don't see each other a lot right now, we talk every now and then on the internet. I have this feeling that she wants to break it off. We were talking a bit today, she wanted to know when I was coming up to Haven, which is a club near where she lives. She thought that I'd like to see the apartment, and her snakes at least once before I move away. Not a thing about seeing her. I don't know. Maybe it just because I'm feeling cut off from everyone else, and I'm drawing lines where there aren't any. I don't know. This was how she had planned on breaking up with Avigen. It fell through because he didn't end up going the day we planned. Then part of me wonders if we should break up. We probably have the most casual relationship on the planet. I know we'd still be friends. There is just way too much changing in my life right now. I'm going to talk to Neonate, see if maybe he'll give me a ride up to see her. Maybe I can talk Snakeface into coming along...

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