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she got a little fund to fight for Moneypenny's rights
Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2002 - 10:05 a.m.

So I tried to be cute today, since Avigen was cute on sunday... I got a cloth rose, and one of my rings that he liked and wrote him a little note... Then I drove to his work and was going to put the rose on his windsheild... I got there, and he was sleeping in his car on his break :-) It figures, I would show up when it would ruin my suprise. I almost went and knocked on his window, but I decided a rose on his window after work might be a good way to make him feel special if he had a bad day at work. So I waited for him to go back in a left it. ::sigh:: I wish I had done the knock on the window thing, I didn't get to see/talk to him yesterday or today, and I'm not going to get time alone with him for awhile unless he magically has the day off tomorrow... He called Aislinn because I told him we were hanging out today. He left her a message saying that he'd see me tomorrow, and thursday... I wonder what he has planed, and if he knows that I'm working open to close... Probably not... ::sigh::

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