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hello Mr Zebra
Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2002 - 10:59 p.m.

Juluis and I were goofing around again tonight... Like always... and once again things went too far... He wrote idiot on my forehead, which pissed me off, a little... I took some time to myself for the rest of the game (read: I didnt' really pay much attention to him) because I didnt' want to blow it out of porportion, and if he kept on teasing me, and everything, I was going to... So when we went out to my car, I gave him a hug, and told him not to do it again...

He told me that I was makeing too much of it... THAT is what I'm pissed about right now... Well Fuck you too... I'll feel the way I want to feel about what I want feel. and I'm sorry if you think me getting a little mad at you for pinning me down and writting idiot on my forehead with a red pen is out of line. Who the fuck are you to tell me how I should feel? NO ONE tells me how I should feel. I don't think you know how much it annoys me when you do stuff like that... Espically when you blame it on my period... I'm not even Near to getting it... ARGH!! ARgh!!

and now Aislinn sounds liek she's pissed because we're not going to look at apartments tomorrow, Like it's my fault she didn't call ahead... I'm just so mad right now, I feel like everyone is either mad at me or belitteling me. or being distant, or I dont'know what...

yesterday - tomorrow - 0 comments so far