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ran into some confusion with a Mrs Crocodile
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002 - 10:37 p.m.

So I talked to Punky today, she didn't confirm any of what tylo said, so I'm just gonna take it at the approach of spending more time with her. She still says that I'm the one friend that she knows really cares about her... She said that when I call her she knows that I'm calling because I want to spend time with her and I want know what she's doing... I feel a little guilty about that, because I don't call her as much as I should... I am going to change that...

Avigen came to visit me at work today, he brought me coffee, and talked and was really cute, and I'm really likeing this whole relationship with him. He ans I are going up to visit Joyia in a few weeks, which is really cool. Over all Life is improving...

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