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brown may be sweeter
Monday, Mar. 04, 2002 - 8:47 p.m.

Ugh... I was sick all day today... I hate being sick... Throwing up SUCKS when you have your tounge pierced. A little insight that not everyone may know... I went to work, and then came home, and slept, until now...

Yesterday was...well bad at first. My car wouldn't start, I was soposed to go hang out with Julius and Aislinn. Aislinn came and picked me up so I felt a little better. Except that my car still wasnt working. ::sigh::

Then we went to Walmart. ::shudder:: If I worked there I swear, they'd find me dead in the break room one day... There are too many screaming shildren, and smelly people, and it's always messy, and I don't know, just eww...

After Walmart we went back to Julius's house for a little, and that's when the day started picking up... I got a real great hug from both of them, which I needed, a lot. Then we just kinda cuddeling (either me and julius, or me and aislinn) until Avigen called to say he was home, and we could come over if we wanted. hen we had game, which was great, because it always is...

He also said that he could come up to visit Joyia with me on thursday and Friday!!! YaY!!! I'm not soposed to tell her that though, he wants it to be a suprise... I"m soo happy about that, I really didn't want to drive all the way up there by myself...

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