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china white
Wednesday, Mar. 06, 2002 - 12:09 a.m.

My whole body aches in that "I spent yesterday throwing up" sort of way. It's been doing that all day...

I'm also rather tired right now. Today was a long day... I worked at another street store today... I had fun it was just a long day...

Aislinn Had asked me if I wanted to go on a picnic with her and Veder tonight... I had said yes, but I don't thin she counted on it being this cold today... So I called her on my way home to see what was up... She confirmed that it was indeed to cold to have a picnic, and said that she was going to veder's house.

Now Veder, while he is very nice is a)someone I don't know very well and b)strange.

Juluis had called me when I got out of work, and asked what I was doing. I told him that I had made plans with Aislinn, and he asked If I had time to let him copy the tape of his play from a two Saturdays ago...

I told Aislinn about this, and she said fine and to call her when I was done...

So I went to Julius' house, and he copied the tape, and told me that he had aquired a bootleg copy Of Lord Of The Rings, that was PERFECT.

I called Aislinn and asked if she wanted to come over and watch it with us, but she's working tomorrow, and had no desire to sit through a three hour movie, because she was also tired...

So I ask if she would mind if I watched the movie. (me figuring it will be no big deal because she's tired and we can hang out on Friday) She apparently did, because it suddenly turned into me choosing Julius over her, which it wasn't, it was just that the plans we had made had changed to hanging out at this kid that I hardly know's house. Which was less than appealing. Espically when I'm tired and achy. So I change plans yet again, because I don't want to hurt her. So she comes over, and she and Julius play Pokemon, then we watch Invader Zim, and Julius shows her (much to my embarrassment) the tape of his play (the one I was in)... Then we just kinda hang out until she goes home. I stay a little longer and talk with Julius about nothing. and now I'm here writing this...

Did I have a point? if I did I've definatly lost it by now... Wow, I need a vacation I think... ::sigh:: I'm done now...

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