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just like my Daddy
Friday, Mar. 15, 2002 - 12:07 a.m.

I need to do something besides work and role play... I need something more constructive... Piskie and I were talking about taking a karate class with spider monkey and Avigen... The serves a triple purpose: 1) it gives me something else to do 2)it gets me in better shape 3)If I find the right style I can learn to use the weapon I have...

I have this thing, it's shorter than a quarter staff, but slightly taller than a normal cane... it's black with dragons carved in at either end. It gives the apperance of a normal staff, but when pulled apart it becomes two long handled swords. I want to be able to use that...

Now that brings up the debate of 'what for?' and it's true enough that I don't have anyreal need to be proficent with a weapon. It will however put me in better shape (something I do need), and maybe I can adapt some new style of sword dancing and entertain myself with it...

Besides, my father and uncle are both black belts, it'd be neat to learn a different style, and see if I become any better than them. At the very least holiday gatherings will be more entertaining, and I won't look so dumb when they beat me up.

it's funny: I changed all my old titles to lyrics from tori songs. they don't always match up with the actual entry, but every now and then they're a little relevant... odd...

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