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we gotta be big boy
Wednesday, Apr. 03, 2002 - 12:45 a.m.

Maybe if I write some of the little scenes that are flashing through my head down I'll feel better. Most of these things are just the normal stupid little things that we all do and forget about, It's not that I've held on to these things, they've just pushed their way back into my head, after not having thought about them for years. I'd laugh over them if it didn't feel like I was back at the time that they happened...

Once if fifth grade, we were soposed to write a how to paragraph and give a presentation in front of the class... The teacher made a big deal about the presentation part... I tried to be different and instead of standing up and reading off of a sheet of paper I memorized the whole thing, and told the enitre class how to make a mop doll, without having to read off of a sheet of paper. When I finished the teacher asked the class what was missing from my report, and this little brown nose raised her hand and said "Imandra didn't write it down, she was probably just making it up as she went along" The teacher aggreed and flunked me.


Once when I was in girlscouts I was playing with one of the other girls in my troupe, we were chasing each other, and hiding and pulling at each others pants, stuff like that... she hid, and I mistook her sister for my friend and pantsed her...


When I was in second grade I remember one day where it was really really noisy at the end of the day and I had a horrible headache. I went to the teacher and comlained about it, but she said to wait because there were only like ten min. left in the class, so I told her that my doctor said that I can't be around a lot of noise. She told me that if that were really true then I would have to be put away in a room were I wouldn't be allowed to play with anyone and I'd have to take pills that would make me sleepy all the time.


I've always perferd sleeping naked, when I was ten or so, my mother came in and found me sprawled out over my bed in the nude, and proceeded to tell my whole family about it at a cook out the next weekend.


Durring the brief time that I was in college I took a voice lesson class. I had a cold one day and the teacher had made it a point to say that if we were sick and got up to sing he wouldn't hold that against us... I got up and sang my song... It sounded horrible because my ears were stuffed and my throat swollen and sore... The teacher asked me why I bothered coming to class at all, and went on in detail about how horrible I was and how I wasn't improving, and any other number of things. This would be embarassing enought if he had pulled me aside after class and told me that, but he did it in front of everyone in the class.


I went to a summer program called P.C.C. where I took a theatre class, one day we were playing freeze and I steped on my long skirt, and pulled it down around my ankles... I would have to choose that day to go with out underwear too...


I thought I was alone in the house so I was blasting music and singing very loudly...My aunt and mother were downstairs.


My best friends mother was a group leader on a field trip and she asked me, over three seats, which kid on the bus was "that boy you like, what's his name Dustin?". yeah that was his name, he was sitting in between us, and I found out later that day that he had always thought I was a huge dork and a looser, and would really appreciate me not telling any more mothers about any stupid fantisies I might have.


In eighth grade I had a crush on one of my teachers and, twoards the end of the year, decided that it was time to see if I had any chance with him ( because I thought I might have at the time) so I wrote him a note, waited until after class, and in an effort to appear more mature, stayed there while he read it... I got that ever so pleasant "you're 13, I'm 43, and married, and I love my wife, and my daughter is older than you are, and maybe you should stop staying after to help me grade papers" talk and went home in tears...


My fifth grade science teacher was uber christian, and didn't believe in evolution. I did a report on evolution, and he flunked me on the basis that it was all wrong, god put us here, and there was no way we were ever monkeys. He said that in the middle of the report in front of the whole class, and since we had never learned about evolution from him, they all started laughing at me, and I was monkey girl for about a month...


Those are the ones that have run through my head most recently, some are more embarrasing than others, but it still sucks...

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