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please don't help me with this
Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2002 - 10:54 p.m.

Sorry, I haven't updated in a while... it hapens...

Monday, I spent the day with Joyia and promethius. We had fun, but I'm always left with an air of confusion after spending a large amount of time with Joyia... ::sigh:: it seams like everyone is... She needs to figure out what she wants, although maybe that's part of why everyone finds her so captivating.

Tuesday I was soposed to work and then go to yoga with danni... but I felt very overtired, and like I was getting sick, so I opted to just go home and catch up on my sleep, which worked very well...

Today, I worked, hung out with Julius, and then spent some time with Avigen. Poor Avigen has been sick for the past few days. I haven't even called him, because it's been his throat, and I didn't want to make him talk to me if it hurt him... Today he was feeling better, so we watched trigun and talked for awhile it was nice... He was even ONLINE when I got home, which never happens, and even that conversation, while short, ended nicely... all and all it was a good day...

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