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you sign Prince of Darkness
Friday, Apr. 12, 2002 - 11:19 p.m.

I have great friends... I was in a bad mood today, and had an away message that reflected such. Julius called me on the way to work tomake sure I was okay... Aislinn called me later in the day to make sure I was feeling better, and Joyia asked me to come visit her tomorrow, and bring her back sunday... so I'm going to do that...

So now I guess Avigen's pissed at me. So any ammount of better I felt went crashing through my computer, entertainment center, and wall and flew far far away.

I called him this afternood to see if he wanted to hang out and he said that he was tired but he was out of work at 4 tomorrow, and we could hang out then...

He was online when I got home, and he said that he was kinda mad because he found out that he had to work 12 to 8 tomorrow, and we talked a little bit and he said well I guess we can spend time together on sunday when the game is soposed to run... Now I was under the impression that Kanada was runnign a changeling game at his house. We had actually talked about it before and he said that he hadn't agreed, but 'fuck it there's not much I can do now is there'. So when I said that I thought there was game he got isses and started complaining about having to repeat himself, and signed off w/o saying anything else... so I sent him a text message asking if he had signed off cause he was pissed, and he signed back on and screamed yes at me and I said I was sorry, I hadn't ment to make him upset and he was just quiet for a while and then signed off, and I'm sick of being in the middle, and I'm half hysterical mainly because he's mad for no reason, and he's going to stay that way all night, and tomorrow... and who knows how long. and I didn't do anything.....

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