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she got you liking mine back
Tuesday, Apr. 23, 2002 - 1:38 p.m.

I'm in almost New Hampshire, I have been for the past few days, I'm having a decent time, I miss Avigen though... And Julius too, I really wanted to talk to him last night, not about anything in particular, I just randomly missed him.

I got sooo car sick today on the way to Joyia's college. I almost had to ask deb to pull over so I could throw up... ::sigh::

I snowed up here yesterday, that was soo wierd, it also made me wish I had brought real shoes instead of sandles, but oh well I didn't get frost bite, so I sopose it's all good.

I'm soposed to go to yoga with aislinn tonight when we get back, but I am soo tired right now, I really just want to go home, make my car pay ment, ..., and sleep. ::sigh::

oh well I'm sure you'll get an update later tonight. My head hurts now, I want ibu...

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