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and she knows what you are
Saturday, May. 11, 2002 - 11:44 p.m.





This hatred was kindled, most recently by and even last week, and stocked quite a bit more today...

Last week:

At work, we have a policy regaurding credit cards: they are imprinted on the back of our copy of the sales slip... if the card is unsigned or says see id on the back we check the ID and record the id number. we do that with every one.

I had a woman who handed me her unsigned card. I asked for her ID and the names were different... the card said something like Jane F. Doe and the ID said J. Fran Doe... so I questioned it... she said "it's me do you want to see my social security card?" I said yes, so she showed me... I wrote her licence # on top of the slip and handed it to her... she asked me If I did that to everyone, I told her everyone who does't sign the back of their card, she got huffy and walked off muttering to her friend. I went up to the from of the store after they left and there were two women talking about all these things that they had heard about that were racist (the woman with the card had been black), and how horrible people were racist were... I came up and asked if they needed help. they stopped talking, stared at me and said no, and waited until they thought I couldn't hear them to start it up again...

It should be said that I'm not racist. like that's something I hardly ever think about, why the fuck do I care what color your skin is? People can be beatiful no matter what background they hail from. And I'm not going to decide I don't like you before I hear you speak. And I'm not going to treat you any differently than I would anyone else... ::sigh::


Another woman came in. I was helping some one else and she asked me if she could put her bags behind the counter so she could go try stuff on. I said fine, and she left them on the ground for me to carry up to the counter... Then she came out of the dressing room (with bare feet, the pants she was trying on unbuttoned and unziped, and the tank she was trying on also unzipped) and asked me if we had the suit she was trying on in a 16. I asked if she had she had checked the rack and she said yes, I asked if there had been one there, and she said no. I told her that was all we had. she said "can you help me look?"

I went over and there was a 16, so she went to try it on and asked about shoes along the way. I took her to the shoe department and she said "is this all you have?", I said yes, she said "that sucks."

so I opened her dressing room back up, and she continued walking around for a little bit looking confused. Piggy asked if I was helping her (quietly) and I said I had been (quietly) but I think she was all set. she looked at me and said "I asked you to help me" so I asked if she wanted me to open the dressing room up again (it had closed again) and she said "I heard you up there whispering about me. I didn't steal anything. you don't need to be yipping about me to your co workers."

I tried to explain myself and ask how else she'd like to be helped. and she just rolled her eyes and said whatever, then complained about my customer serivce to piggy. ARGH!! ARGH!!!!!

What the fuck does she want me to do, she asked about shoes, said she didn't like any of them. Asked for a different size, I got it for her, what does she want me to fucking do, pull a pair of shoes and a different outfit out of my ass, custom tailored and in her very favorite colors? or maybe I should take her clothes off and put the new ones on for her? or maybe I should ignore the other twenty customers who do know what they want, and how to ask for it, so I can watch you stare off into space and expect me to read your mind. ::twitch::

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