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She's your Cocaine your Exodus laughing
Monday, May. 13, 2002 - 2:06 a.m.

This world needs to do some serious rothinking when it comes to how we run things. We need to stop thinking about 'them' and realize that we all share the same planet, and therefore, there is no such thing as 'them', we need to sit down, as a planet, and figure out a way to improve the standard of living for everyone on this planet.

I was watching TLC with my mom, and they were doing some sort of special, where for whatever reason they were showing an ethiopian woman giving birth. The conditions in that hospital were horrific. They used a suction device to get the baby out, and tore her birth canal in the process and had no blood for blood transfusions. As soon as the baby was breathing they wrapped him in a blanket and put him on a bed in the hall outside the room, by himself, while they worked on the mother. I couldn't finish watching it, so I don't know what happened to her. Conditions like this shouldn't exist on this planet.

*think* of how much more time we would have to research medicine, and all sorts of other things if we didn't have to worry about wars or politics, or who had uber amounts of money... We can't seam to get over ourselves though. I realize how hollow this all is coming from a 19 uear old girl sitting at home on her computer, which is hooked up to a cable modem. I just don't know what to do about it. ::sigh:: alright I think I'm done now...

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