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she says you control it
Thursday, May. 16, 2002 - 11:18 p.m.

Had a job interview at Poland Springs Customer Service Center today. I love my job at the street, but this job will promise me 40 hours a week at 11 dollars an hour, health benefits, all kinds of stuff that the street can't. I won't have to work weekends, I'll never work past 7, and the job is easy...

I want this job so much, this job means apartment, possibly night corses if I want. ::sigh:: this job means no more stupid mall, this job is sitting down all day in front of a computer. this job is never getting out of work at 10 an night, never having overnight inventories. this job is so promising. I'd even get a little terminal that I could decorate...

Avigen makes me so happy. It's little things. It's always little things with me. yestrday he bought me chocolate because we hadn't seen each other in awhile. Today, he said he didn't want me to get offended before he mentioned something about black widow (this ex girlfriend of his that it took him years to get over). I'm still noticing little things that have changed since we've offically decided that we're going out. His hugs are different (not in a bad way) A whole lot of little things. ::smile::

Oh the thing with black widow... His parents are going away for a week again, and he was saying that when he and black widow didn't go to the prom, his parents were gone and with the exception on his sisters room, and one other room, they 'christened' the entire house, and most of the back yard. He was saying he'd like us to do that while they're gone ::grin:: yay!!

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