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I will find a center in you.
Friday, May. 31, 2002 - 11:06 a.m.

Sorry about the lack of Updating. I feel bad. Ive been working and staying out of my house a lot though. And by the time I get home I'm tired, so I usually try to sleep.

So, where did I leave you guys? ::checks older entries:: oh I stopped on Tuesday. Well I'm not suprised. Tuesday kinda sucked, ... , I made a car payment, it was rainy all day, and I almost died because of stupid drivers. I hung out with Julius before I went to work, ... , I realized just how psychotic I am right now. I flipped out, I went to work. My car was running really shitty because it was rainy. I went back to Julius's house after work to hang out with him and Aislinn, ... , I don't thinkI got home that night until like 2 in the morning.

Wednesday, I opened until 2, then I hung out with Julius for awhile, and we headed over to Piskie and Spider Monky'e house to game. Piskie cut my hair, which really needed it. I thin kit came out really cute. I like it. a lot. we gamed until late. talked until later. I came home and changed my layout. I got way to tired to update, so I went to bed.

Yesterday I worked a double, 10 am to 10 pm. I hate those... Soo much. I was so exausted yestday it wasn't even funny. Nothing really exciting happened. I have renuew faith in people's stupidity. ::sigh:: People can be so dumb.

Like the woman, who was *watching* me put sales stickers on shoes, picks up the box that I JUST put a sticker on, and askes if those shoes are on sale. I felt like throttling her.

No mam, I'm sorry, all the other shoes of that style are on sale, except for that one box that you are holding in your hands. I wasn't soposed to put the sale sticker on that, can I have it back so I can shove it up your ass? Oh! and would you like to apply for our credit card and recieve 10% off your entire purchace when you get approved? I can shove that form up your nose, I don't think we'll have to worry too much about it causing brain damage, do you?

My day was filled with people like that, One of the few bright points was that this girl came in with her mother. She's around my age, and I think she's absolutly beatiful. She comes in on a fairly regular basis. Yesterday she came in and looked at one of our cupons that has a bunch of women in their underwear on it (it's for bra's) and said 'look at all the babes', so maybe she's bi... Not that it really matters, I usually embarrass my sielf in front of her, and she probably thinks I'm really really stupid. Oh well...

So after all of that I came home with every intention of posting, came online, talked to Aislinn, Avigen, Julius, and Joyia. Made Plans with Avigen, lost all motivation to type, watched Star Trek: TNG, and went to bed.

This morning marked the end of a week and a half long game of phone tag with poland springs. The hiring guy called me at 10 am while I was naked in my bed!! yay!! oh well I have the next step of my interview on tuesday. I hope I get this job...

I think that's all...

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