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making every promise empty
Friday, Jun. 28, 2002 - 7:17 a.m.

::sigh:: Oh what a week...

I've been working a lot. and trying toget in touch with poland springs people. Althogh It really does look like I have that job, just the last few bits of paperwork, which are being taken care of on Tuesday.

I didn't get to see Avigen on wednesday like I usually do. He went to Manray with Valley goth. yay. We're soposed to hang out today when he gets out of work, but I have this feeling that he'll end up being to tired. ::sigh::

I have to go talk to Boss Lady today... My great-grandmother died last night. So I need tuesday off to go to the funeral. That's my second funeral in as many months. That's a lot concidering I'd never been to one for a family member before.

It's horrible to say, but I don't feel this as much as I did when Grammy left. I always remember Memie being a very strong woman. I remember her being very funy when I was young, and making a big deal of how tall my sisters and I were. She used to swim a mile on a regular basis. She was always so healthy. Then she developed alsimers, and all that will and spark, and laughter began to be replaced by a quiet frieghtened old woman, who didn't remember all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren. She did know that she should know us though, and tried to hide the fact that she couldn't remember. It was a drastic change. She wasn't the same person she had been when she was younger. She had a stroke on mothersday, and another the day my grandmother died. She lost the ability to swallow. My grandfather made what was no doubt the hardest decision of his life: weather or not to put in a feeding tube. Putting in a feeding tube would keep her alive, but if she didn't get her swallowing reflex back it would be the only thing keeping her alive, and if she never got the reflex back, they couldn't pull the tube because it would kill her, so she would stay in a coma until her heart gave out, which could be years. If they didn't put the tube in she would die because she wouldn't be able to swallow. after the fifth stroak, and no improvement He decided not to go with the tube.

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