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Time to bring it down again.
Sunday, Jul. 14, 2002 - 8:45 a.m.

So yeah, yesterday sucked too. I went to work for a four hour shift with piskie, that was fine...

After I left work I went back to julius' house and cleaned a little. I poped in Star trek, and proceeded to veg out. Avigen called when he got out of work, and asked if I wanted to go to dinner and a movie, I said sure. He had just gotten out of work, so he needed time to get cleaned up, and told me he would call me when he was ready. No problem. Two Startrek episodes later he calls and says he's ready. So I head off to the mall, and park where he always does. His car isn't there.

I went to see Julius at work (he had asked me to bring him something), talked for a little, and went back over to the restaurants. I wait, and wait, and wait. I check the movie times, I call him three times, and hour goes by. He's not there. This alone is reaking havock on my poor shaddered brain. I call Julius, He hasn't seen Avigen, He suggests I call his house. I do, He picks up the phone before it rings. He got in an acident and totaled his car. My brain goes snap. he's fine though. I manage to hold it up until I get off the phone, he's got to call the poliece and whatnot, and the last thing he needs is a hysterical girlfriend on the phone. When I get off the phone I go to Julius's store, because I don't know what else to do. Like I was crying, but I wasn't, and I had everything running through my head, way to much to type but some of it was along the lines of:

What if he hadn't been okay?

No more dieing

I miss popa

why does stuf like this happen to me?

I'm so selfish, all I can think about is how this makes me feel.

He's okay.

He'd better not be lieing about being okay.

I want to see popa

Popa's dead

what would I do if Avigen had died?

what would I do if Julius died?

I can't take this.

I want it to stop.


yeah, all that? it was on continuis loop in my skull all at the same time, along with a few songs and some stories, and old memories that chose that moment to fly out of storage.

So yeah, yestrday was great. Just wonderful. ::sigh::

Avigen called me later,and explained that he really was okay. and we talked for a while. Then my mom called and said that Popa's wake was on mondy, and his funeral was on tuesday. I just kinda sat there watching star trek. I don't know.

I feel a little less brokn now though, so I sopose that's better.

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