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Fuck retro anything.
Monday, Aug. 19, 2002 - 10:34 p.m.

So, I play a role playing game on sundays. Spider Monkey runs it, and Piskie, Julius, Avigen and I play in it. My character's name is Raen. She's nine, and started off the game watching her parents get murdered in front of her. Yesterday in game, Avigen's character, who Raen has come to think of as a brother, died. Raen is in a bit of an emotional dilema. If another character that she's close to dies, she going to come to the conclusion that it's somehow her fault, and she will run. I should probably let Spider Monkey know that ahead of time so he can figure out what he wants to do. oh! we had semi homework, and I think I can do it here so here we go. Spider Monkey wants us to list 12 adjectives that describe our character So I think that Raen is:
3)as innocent as a dominai can be
5)unsure of the future
9) aware of what needs to be done
11)worried about those around her
12)younger than she thinks she is.

So it's Julius's birthday on sunday. I'm going to take him out to Omi steak house for lunch/ dinner on sunday. It's not what I wanted to do, and I feel a little bad about that, but it can't really be helped. Everyyear Julius says that no one ever does anything for him on his birthday. He's writting about it now I think. Everytime he says that I want to throw him a party. I never have a place to. one of these years I *will* throw him one, I'm just not sure when. ::sigh:: Probably when we have an apartment, and my mom can't say no. For this year lunch/dinner will have to do. I feel like a really lousy friend sometimes... I need sleep now, nini

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