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Some say the end is near
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2002 - 10:27 p.m.

I tried to update yesterday, like I daid I would, but I was fighting a battel with nyQuil, the nyQuil won.

so, lets see... it's been almost a week since I've really updated. Friday was Avigen's birthday, I didn't get to see him, but he had a good time so that's all that really matters... I'll make it up to him...

I spent the weekend a Julius's house. We drank and watched star trek, this seams to be an almost weekly occurance, his parents go away, he buys me a case of mikes, and we hang out and drink, I'd be concerned, if I were getting drunk, but I'm not so oh well. Saturday, I worked, and hung out with Aislinn, and Julius, I spent the night there. Sunday I spent the day with Joyia and Peppy, that was a lot of fun. I can't wait until her party...

I got a baby corn snake on sunday too, he's red and orange, and he has a little clover shape on his forhead, so that's his name. My mom wants me to get rid of him, but she can bite me he's mine. I'm all set with pets for the remainder of my stay in this house I think, but I still want a blue tounged skink, a ball python, a burmese python, a hog nosed snake, maybe a milipede, and one of those torutses that lives for over a hundred years. and fish, but fish don't really count...

::sigh:: the burmese python isn't going to happen unless I get my own house though, Then I could have an entire room dedicated to it and my other reptiles... that would be a happy happy thing.

eep!!! there is the biggest spider in the world right next to me, we should be charging it rent to be in our house... he so big I'm afraid to move, I just tried to swat him, and he jumped out of the way and is now hiding...the web this thing started to spin looks like an 8oo year old cobwebb...

I need to stop writting this, it is only with an extreme amount of self control that I am even able to type, I really want to be screaming and pointing until somone grinds this sucker into the wood of the desk and then smears it off into a paper towel, but my daddy's not home so I've crammed myself into the corner farthest away from it, all for you I hope you're all happy. now I need to go good night

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