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Thursday, Sept. 12, 2002 - 9:57 p.m.

Before I write about anything else I nedd to talk about something I miss, it was probably spawned by piskie writing about wanting to do theatre again, but here it is:

There is a particular kind of silence that only occurs in one situation. It is that silence that happens when your character is reaching their moment of truth. In that silence you *are* the character. You are striping yourself naked for the other people on stage, and the rest of the universe. You are the center of the universe for that moment. That silence holds the tension and breaths of everyone in the room. I love that feeling.

okay I'm done now. I was so bored tonight. That boredome turned into depression really quick. I was alone, I missed everyone. My house was empty. Avigen was working, so was Julius, although I spent a good part of the night talking to him on the phone. I randomly really really missed Joyia too. Like I miss her because she's not always here, but I know that she comes down on the weekends and I usually get to see her, so it's all good. Tonight I really wanted her to be at my house. You know what I specifically missed? laying down on Avigen's bed hugging each other. ::shrug:: I dont' know. I just feel very lonely right now. I talked to her online for a little while, but she had to go.

Avigen and I are hanging out on Saturday, I think. I'm going to call him from work tomorrow and make sure, I think I might see if I can leave work at 4 instead of 6 saturday, were've more than covered: Piskie, Twinkie and I are opening. The new girl is in at two, Piskie and twinkie are off at 4 which is when piggy comes in, and I'm soposed to be off at 6, if I leave at 4 it's not going to be much difference. We'll see. I miss cuddeling with Avigen too.

I dont' know what's wrong with me lately. I just really don't want to be alone at all. okay time to go to bed now... good night.

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