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Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA
Thursday, Nov. 07, 2002 - 11:29 p.m.

Do you ever push off you're own feelings of hopelessnes, and depression because you know that the people around you are upset too? No, probably not. I'm probably the only person stupid enough to do that.

I just found myself in this horrible funk tonight. I hate money. I hate politics. I hate the fact that the avarage american is a moron. I hate that it's my nine month aniversary and I spent the night at my house eating chineese food and watching must see TV with my mom. At least Avigen was no better off, he had to work, I just hate that the situation was that way in the first place. I hate that I'm lazy.

I sit there, and think about it for awhile, then I read Joyia's diary and I realize that I shouldn't complain. I think about how upset I know Julius is, and I feel dumb for being upset about really trivial things, but they still upset me so I push them away.

blah you know? just blah.

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