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The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002 - 10:48 p.m.

Sombrengel talking abot Jack White has reminded me how much I really do like them. Yay fro Julius buying stuff he already has, therefore feeding my whitestripes craving for this evening (he has white blood cells, but he rebought it because they released bonus material with all their videos in dvd format, so I got a copy of the album!).

Tori Amos has a New CD out... I know where part of my paycheck is going on friday. Julus has heard that it's cheesy, but it's tori and therefor I will own it, and listen to it for awhile. I thin kthat I am the only person in the world who actually likes 'Y Kant Tori Reed?'

White Stripe interlude:

well you're in your little room

and you're working on something good

but if it's really good

you're gonna need a bigger room

and when you're in the bigger room

you might not know what to do

you might have to think of

how you got started

sitting in your little room

da da da

okay, I feel better now.

Is insomnia contagious? I went to bed at like 10-10:30 last night, and I was still zoncked when I woke up in the morning. This has to stop, I'm gonna go nuts, ::sigh:: One of the woman I work with is bringing me herbs that she says will help, I'm gonna look them up before I take any of them though...

I blame Avigen, my body is giving me sympathy lack of rest because he hasn't been sleeping well. Just like it's Joyia's fault that my jaw cracks so much now. Hey, if it's my fault that Piskie wanted her toung pierced, then it can be Avigen's fault I'm so exausted. Altho, I'd rather it *really* were is fault, if you catch my drift... No? don't worry, I'm not sure I did either...

I went to Julius's houst after work for a bit, we watched fatal fury... Don't watch it unless you are MST3K fans and fairly good at doing that sort of thing, I may have had to shoot myself if I was with more serious people...

Thankfully Avigne called before the first ep was over, and Julius and I met him at the mall for some food, and talk and whatnot.

We talked about The Wheel of Time Game, and his view on it. Sometimes I wonder why he still plays, I don't know how much he enjoys it. He keeps saying how unbalanced the game is. He's right, it is, but that's the setting in the world, people who can use magick in these books have a definate advantage... that's the was it is. I'm not going to bore the people who don't read the books with the whole debate, if you read the books and want to talk about it e-mail me, or ask me (if you know me). Oh well, whatever, I'm glad I got to see him...

After dinner I went to the street to use the bathroom only to find that our toilet is broken, like the plastic handel that connects the flush knob to that lid that opens to let the water out is broken. We have two bathrooms in the back, and we always thought that the second one was broke, so we diceded to see if it was more broken than the one that now had a ribbon sticking out of the top that we pull to get the toilet to flush. Turns out is wasn't broken at all, so we switched the two bathrooms around, the theory being that we aren't going to tell anyone else that we did it, since no one told us that the toilet was broken, and see what they say when they walk into the bathroom and find hangers all over the place.

::wicked grinn::

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