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I'll keep digging till
Thursday, Nov. 28, 2002 - 11:51 a.m.

Hi. I'm back. And sane. Sorry about anything I wrote last night.


So I worked at the Street Last night. Boss Lady pretty much figured out that I was pissed and had prepared to placate me. She had Maria come and work late (there was talk of her asking me to stay until midnight), and She told me that I didn't have to work that friday before I even brought it up. Right. I had been talking to Piskie earlier about how The schedual and the asking me to stay late were two stricks against me keeping this job. Well, since she preempted the staying late, and told me I didn't have to work next friday, I've reduced the Strikage by one. She still put me on the schedual. I told her that she could have called. She said it was easier to just put it there, and let me tell her that I can't work it... That is her way of covering her ass, don't think I didn't catch it. If I said that about any other one of my shifts it wouldn't have gone over well, and it's not like she marks the schedual any differently, like shifts in black are set in stone, shifts in purple are open to negotiation.... She was just too lazy to pick up the phone. And she figured I would just take the shift... She was wrong

So I left the store, and went to my car. Put the Key in the lock, tried to turn the key, it didn't budge, tried again, still nothing. tried turning the other way. Nope. great. the lock is frozen. Now I have a car alarm on my car, if the car is unlocked any way other than from the driver's side door it goes off, the headlights flash, and horn honks, it's all absolutely wonderful. You disarm the alarm by: turning the key in the driver's side door. yay! so I got in the car through the passenger's side door, set off the alarm, waited for it to shut up, put the key in the ignition, turned..... and nothing happened. Theories flew as to the problem: My battery, a Kill switch, underpants gnomes. Daddy rushed out to save his darling daughter, tried jumping the car, nothing. We had no lock deicer so we couldn't test the kill switch theory, so we went home. I was *so* mad last night, I was this big shattered ball of boiling angry frustration. My dad tried to comfort me, and my anger shipped out at him, Julius was talking to me online for awhile and he got yelled at too. Sombrengel sent me a very nice "hope you feel better" IM while I had a rather nasty away message up, and it took actual effort not to start in on her. I'm not even sure what I had wanted to type to her. I know there was something, and I know it wasn't nice, but the actual content has left me. That's probably better. heh, umm yeah.

I apologized to my father this morning.

I'm sorry Julius.

And I'm sorry Sombrengel.

I appreciate the two of you both trying ot make me feel better, and It did work, it just took awhile to work it's way through the anger.

A nights sleep helped calm me down.

So Now it's thanksgiving, and We're going to make the rounds. First off to my father's parent's house: The one's I like, not his cunt of a mother. Then we're off to My Uncle's house, and finally My aunts. Right. 3 thanksgiving dinners, can we say blaoted? Now yes, later tonight? not with out the risk of throwing up.

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