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If I really don't feel anything at all?
Saturday, Nov. 30, 2002 - 10:57 p.m.

Does anyone watch the Gilmore Girls? Did any of you who said yes watch the thanks giving episode? That was pretty much my thanksgiving. 3 houses (Grandparents, Uncle on Father's side, Aunt on Mother's), 3 dinners, A deep fried Turkay (at my uncle's, it didn't cook all the way through though), And no rolls. Ther were no huge fights, and all in all I had a really good time. I got home around 12, and talked to people online, and didn't go to bed until like 2:30.

That was fun, considering I got up to go to work at 4:30 in the morning. Yay for black Friday. That wasn't too bad, I only worked until 10, I slept, I went to werewolf (that was a lot of fun), and I went to Julis's House, We watched office space, which was a really really good movie.

I worked this morning again, then came home and caught up on the sleep that I so despratly needed. Avigen called, I went to his house and "Watched Movies". Without getting too graphic (that goes in the other journal) let me say that never in my life, have I wanted to fuck someone more than I wanted to fuck Avigen tonight. We. Need. Our. Own. Place. Oh well, there's always the Christmas party, I will get a room with him that night. And Possibly Joyia. I love that boy so much.

So the Bitchy one is home for the holiday's, and she is messing things up. The little one slept with her (now) ex-boyfirend. She talked to me about it, and I told her that as long as she wasn't going to regret it, then there's not reason why she shouldn't. The Bitchy one is giveing her all kinds of shit about it now, you know, she's got a lot to say about something that she's never done, and about feelings that she's never had. I'm sorry, I know that she's had crushed, but she has never had a boyfriend. not has the closeness that comes with sharing feelings like that with someone else. She has no place to tell the little one that it's wrong to sleep with her boyfriend. ::sigh:: I don't know. Now she's using the little one's feelings against her. She's haveing her run around the house and get stuff for her, and the little one's doing it, just like she always has. I think that's a big reason that the bitchy one and I don't get along. I don't fun around like her slave to win her good graces, quite frankly, I could care less about her stupid double standerds. I'm willing to bet that if a mildly attractive man asked her seriously to sleep with him she'd jump at the chance just to prove to herself that she's not an ice bitch. Not that it matters, she is and ice bitch, and therefor I highly doubt that she'll ever get that kind of offer.

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