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Something kinda sad about
Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002 - 3:56 p.m.

heh. you know what should have been attached to the bottom of that entry from last nigh? an explination. I was really really bored last night, and that's one of the things my web wandering turned up. It's an actual document put out by Mormons in the 1970's instructing people how to overcome the evil's of masturbation. I found it both amusing, and disturbing. No wonder our society has suck ah ass backwerd veiw of sex. Those temptations and urges are natural.... You know what? I'm not going to get into it because I'm reltavly sure that anyone reading this had a similar reaction if they actually read the whole entry through, well the same plus confusion as to wh it was posted in my diary. Yeah.

So it's snowing here in MA, lots, so much that they sent us home early from work. That was good. What wasn't so good was that they probably should have done it much earlier. the roads sucked. I drove home at about 25mph the entire time. I almost died because of an asshole cop. I was driving on a particularly bad stretch of road, going extra slow so that I wouldn't go sliding off into a tree, a cop come flying up behind me, rides my ass for five min. puts on his lights for me to pull over, which I did (almost crashing into a tree), he speeds by me, shuts off his lights, hits an even worse patch of road, almost spins out of control, slows down to the same speed I was doing, and pulls into a parking lot. All of this happened inside an area of twenty feet. I'm not say all cops are assholes, but this cop had issues. Cops are people too, and well some people are fuck heads, ya know?

Snakeface can't come up to visit Joyia with me tomorrow, which sucks, but isn't really his fault. I hoping there will be no work at all tomorrow, if that's the case, I'm goign to head out to boston early so that I can do some christmas shopping before I go to Joyia's...

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