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Let the Weight Loss begin!
Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2003 - 8:46 p.m.

I was online last night, probably around 9:45 or so, Joyia and I started talking, she wanted to get out of Hello Kitty, and Exico's apartment for awhile, so we decided that she'd come pick me up and we'd drive around. Two hours later, we actually did... We ended up going to plymouth, we stopped at the beach for awhile, and then just drove around. We got lost and drove until we found ourselves. It was really neat. We talked the whole way about a lot of things,..., all-in-all it was a good time. I'm tired as all hell now that it's 9:00 in the morning and I've been up for 3 hours... it's okay though.

Any dream analyists out there? tell me what you think of this one: I was in a convience store with Joyia and another person (In the dream I know him, but now that I'm awake I can't remember who). we were walking around listening to the radio as we shopped. We were listening to the Storm and Birdsey show (for those of you unfamiliar with them they're Shock DJ's on a radio station in New England). On the radio show they were interviewing this fat retarded girl about what made her get off while she was having sex. at some point in my dream, the radio show and the store got fused (as often happens in my dreams), like suddenly, instead of listening to the radio in a store, the store became the radio station and Joyia the other person and I were in control of what was goin on on the show. The girl was talking about how she likes to be on top because she liked to get stuffed. This is the part that's hard to explain. Somehow as a result of her haveing sex in this position, different pastries were created, but it was kinda like she turned into the pastry. Like long enough for someone to eat her, and then she turned back. Joyia, Randome boy, and I had to decide what kind of pastry the girl was going to change into, because the DJ's were going to have her have sex with their producer. As we were trying to decide what kind of pastry she'd turn into, Julius walked into the store with Glitter Goth* right behind him, we started to talk, but then I was slammed awake by the cruel cruel buzzing of my alarm clock.

So, After Work today, I went to Fat Camp with Boss lady... It was relativly painless. They took my money, gave me papers, weighed me (I'm so over weight guys, it's not even funny), gave me a target weight, and explained their system to all of the new campers, and sent us on our merry way. It turns out that Ben and Jerry are not positive influences. ::sigh:: I knew that already, I was just ignoring the fact. Oh well. I will stick with this. Espically after seeing how much I really do weigh.

You know what I don't want? I don't want my mom to talk to me about this in any way shape or form... I got home, and my sister had made cookies, I asked her for one, and when I sat down my mom looked at me and said "how many points is that. I wanted to hit her, I'm not even starting with any of this until tomorrow. I don't need that. Julius and I kinda talked about that in an e-mail at work... He said he's weigh me every week in exchange for backrubs, and that way I wouldn't have to pay money. I told him that while it was tempting (note the sarcasm in that statment), I would never do it. When people I know get on my case about stuff like this, all it makes me want to do is not do what I'm soposed to. It's a bad habbit, but I can't really help it. I'm hoping that having strangers do this will keep me on it... that and the whole money thing, I'm wasting my money if I don't do this...

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