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Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 - 11:00 p.m.

I locked my keys in my car today. I took them out of the ignition, and got something out of my bag, I put them down and when I got out of the car, I completely forgot them on the seat. I had to call my mom to bring the spare.

::sigh:: You know, that might be okay if I only did it every now and then, but I do it on a semi regular basis. I don't know, I'm just dumb I guess.

I think I'm sick. My nose is really runny and my ears are blocked. Poor sick me :-(

I'm writing this from work. I'm soposed to hag out with Avigen after I get out. I'm going to show him a movie I watched at Julius's house. It's called 'Seceratary'. James Spader (The smart one in Stargate) plays a Lawyer. It's a pretty twisted movie, and I'm a pretty twisted woman, so we got along well, I'm hoping Avigen is just as twisted, I think he'll like it. I'll post when he thought later in this entry I don't doubt.

It's soposed to snow. On one hand I'm really sick of this, and I think the weather is a major part of my messed up immune system. On the other hand, a day off would be helpful to my general health. It's not snowing yet though, and It's 3:30... If we do get tomorrow off, I'm going to spend most of the day sleeping. It's not thrilling, I know, but I need it. I should spend some of the day cleaning my room too, but everytime I do that I loose all motivation after about 10 min. If I get it done though, Avigen will be able to come to my house instead of us always having to go to his. Not that I don't like going to his house, I just feel bad that it's always there. ::shrug:: who knows.

Avigen liked the Movie, Then we went to Friendly's.

I'm not in a good mood now. It's not really his fault. I just really feel like crying right now, which is kinda what I'm doing while I type this. I'm just having one of those nights where I feel like my entire life is teetering on the edge and that everything I have is just going to go away. Some of it's completely irrational. I have this sudden very real fear of loosing my job. Part of me isn't all that upset at the prospect. I feel like I don't know what I want from my life, but I know that I don't want this. I feel like I don't even want to get out of bed in the morning. I feel whiney. Gods I hate this

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