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Hair (a day late)
Saturday, Jun. 21, 2003 - 1:11 p.m.

1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
My hair is kind of curly. It does what it wants. I suppose you would classify it as wavy then. I can tame it with a straighter, but that�s the only time it�s really straight. It�s short now, because it�s recovering from a donation I made last two years ago. It used to be long, I usually try to keep it that way, but every now and then I get drastic, and chop it. I chopped 10 inches off two years ago, and donated it to Locks of Love Then let the Hair dresser do what she wanted with my hair lengthwise. Then I dyed it purple, so I�ve been trying to get it all one length right now it�s just past my shoulders.

2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
When I was very young my hair used to be down to my waist and I had bangs. When I hit middle school I chopped it to my jaw line. I spent the rest of middle school trying to get it back to my waist, sometimes letting the bangs grow out, sometimes cutting some new ones. It never got back to my waist, I switch between growing my hair out, and cutting it short when I get sick of it long, right now I�m in a growing out phase. My Hair is naturally brown with red Highlights, but I�ve died it various shades of black and brown, and I was a blonde for 15 min before I died my hair purple for a few months.

3. How do your normally wear your hair?

4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
it would be down to the back of my knees. That�s it, I�m good with the color, and thickness and my hair�s pretty healthy right now. I kind of like the way it goes wavy when it wants, and I�m willing to straighten it every now and then by myself.

5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
Not really. Although anytime my mother tries to trim my hair it usually ends up about 3 inches shorter than I wanted it to be. ::shrug:: sorry, noting impressive for this part�

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