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2 Days until Origins
Tuesday, Jun. 24, 2003 - 12:11 a.m.

Avigen stole Order of the Phoenix from me. I made the mistake of telling him that I had wanted to wait until we were at the airport to read it. Then I couldn�t put it down, so he took it, and will be giving it back when we get to the airport� argh!! Must� read� Harry�Potter.

::hangs head:: I know, I�m pathetic. But really guys it�s so good. He stopped me right in the middle of a sentence too. Now I have to wait two days for Origins and Harry Potter. Julius finished it, he said that he almost cried. That frightens me because he didn�t cry at the end of Goblet of Fire, but I was in tears. I�m going to be an inconsolable wreck. (It�s just a book, it�s just a book) heh�

In other news, work may very well drive me mad. Okay, so that�s not news, nor would it really be something I even mentioned were I not going to Origins in two days�

In real other news, The little One is going to give me her old computer, and Avigen is going to see what he can do to make it run all pretty� that will be good, because then Julius and I can get the house networked right away, and we can both have a working internet computer, and I won�t have to beg him to let me use his. Heh.

::waits patiently::


Okay, I feel better now. Almost, well not really, because that didn�t make it Thursday (I�m hyper, can you tell?)

Tomorrow I need to do laundry, clean out my car, make sure I�m beautiful, pack, and not stay up until one in the morning�

Wednesday after work (unless I get the day off) I�m going to Avigen�s, picking him up, and going to Julius�s, where we will be waiting until about 2 in the morning to go to CSA�s house at 2:30, so that we can follow him to Ghost�s house and get there for 3, which is where we will all attempt to squish our fat asses into CSA�s Jimmy, and head over to the air port. Then it�s just a fight with the metal detectors ( it�s funny how they don�t like me, I mean it�s not like I�m full of metal or anything) and a plane to Ohio. Wee, what fun�.

Okay that�s all for now, I have to get everything together so I can do my laundry tomorrow.

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