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Vacation (so late it's not even funny)
Tuesday, Jul. 01, 2003 - 9:23 p.m.

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
working (thrilling no?). Although I'd like to do a weekend in P*town, Avigen's never been. I think that 's about it.

2. What was your first summer job?
I never had a strictly summer job. I jumped right into the after school stuff, and just uped my hours around summer.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
Ireland, for a month, with Avigen and Joyia.

4. What was your worst vacation ever?
I went to visit my grandmother for a week when I was 6, I was sick the whole week, and it was with the grandmother that I can't stand, not fun.

5. What was your best vacation ever?
My best Vacation ever was a summer program called P.C.C. it was kinda like summer camp for 6 weeks. It's indescribable...

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