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Brutal Five
Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003 - 10:54 p.m.

1. When was the last time you cheated?
I�m going to take that in the school work sense, since I�m not sure how to apply it anywhere else in my life. That would be the last report I wrote for my history class in college before dropping out. I had no interest in the subject that was assigned to me, and I happened across a website that had someone else�s paper on it. I took it, changed the wording around a very little bit, and handed it in as mine� I was mad at the teacher, because he didn�t let us pick our own topics, I wasn�t caring for any of my classes, and I actually dropped out of college all together about a month later. If I were trying to pass the class, I wouldn�t have done it. In all actuality, if the teacher had approached me and asked if I had written it, I think I would have told him the truth. He didn�t though. I don�t even know what I got on the paper, I was gone before we got it back�

2. When was the last time you stole?
I stole $20 from my sister (the bitchy one) a few weeks ago, so I could put gas in my car. I didn�t tell her, and I don�t plan on paying her back

3. When was the last time you lied?
The last lie I told was today, to my parents, when they asked me how much the outfit I bought at Origins cost me (heh)

4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property?
On purpose?!? (and given the theme of the rest of these questions I�m assuming that�s what�s meant) Never. I wouldn�t do that�.

5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one?
Good question. I�m paranoid that I constantly hurt my loved ones with out meaning to. I thought I had hurt Avigen when I fooled around with OPH, but After I talked to him I don�t think it bothered him that much (not that I was trying to hurt him). I think I hurt my (extended) family by not going to the mass for my grandparents a month or so ago�

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