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I'm back....
Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 - 6:36 p.m.

Okay, you'll have to excuse my horrible spelling, Julius doesn't have any sort of program on his computer that has a spell checker on it, that I can find anyway. Here it is folks, just in time for halloween, the mega update of doom...kinda, I'll type it in between Trick-or-Treat-er's and stuff, the attitude for this entry is going to be different than I origionally thought it would be. I thought I was going to be all alone tonight, and just sitting here dwelling on that fact would probably have made for a depressing re cap of my life as it's been for the past few (checks older entries) Shit dude, it's been almost two months since I've done a solid entry.... sorry

okay, here we go:


I'm in, with most of my stuff, there's stilll a few things that I haven't brought over yet, but I'm working on it. I just feel like I'm zapped of all motivation when I enter my room at my parent's house.

I really like it here, Julius and I are doing well, we've sucessfully taken the house and made it our own, his half sister came over and was frightened at how differen't it looked.

We've had guests stay over Snakeface was the first, Ghost was the second. My house has also become gameing headquarters... that is not a bad thing, for one if we go late all I have to do is haul my ass upstairs, I no longer have to drive.

Another thing that I love is that we're close enough to living in the city that there are actually places that deliver to my door. I know that this is not a new and exciting thing to most of you, but stop and think about it for a minute. I have lived in a small town where the nearest restaurant was no more than 5 miles from my house, but everyone who was employed there (with the possible exception of the cook) was too young to drive. Now there are tens of restaurants that want to charge me $2 to not drive to their location, and sell me food, this is the life...

The reason that I'm in a much better mood is due to Avigen and Ghost, and Lysander all coming over tonight to hang out. we don't have any real plans I don't think, just giving out treats, and watching TV and talking. Julius has various parties to go to and I was invited to at least one, but I wanted to give candy to kids, 'cause I've never gotten to do that on my own before. It's like one of those little unwritten rights of passage that comes with having your own house. Another is getting your own awnsering machine. I flew through that right.

(short intermission while Imandra gives candy to her 7th and 8th trick-or-treaters of the evening)

Anyway, the whole handing out candy thing was something I wanted to do, but I didn't want it to condem me to a night of boredom while all my loved ones got to go out and worship satan, and sacrfice babies and whatnot. Now we can conjure our dark magicks in the comfort of my own living room, and still fatten up the neighborhood children for thanksg-- I mean give the nice children candy...

(short intermission while Imandra gives candy to her 9th-19th trick-or-treaters of the evening)

So yeah, besides moving there isn't much, I've come to loath my job. I still love the people, but the actual work is starting to take it's toll on me. I'm considering hoping to Walmart to do overnight restocks, It's suitably mindless, and it'll keep me on my feet with out the nasty publick breathing down my neck. The pay rate is also about the same. I just need to get off of my ass. So I think that's where I'll spend the rest of my life? no, I want to go there until I go back to school, and I'm not going to that until I make up my mind a figure out what I want to do. I still maintain that I would be much happier in life if I could just have a cabin in the woods somewhere, a cow, some chickens, two pigs, and a large lot of land to make into a garden. that's all. I could live with out all these modern conviences. I don't need electricity, I'd miss it, but I really would like to just fend for myself, be some old witch in the woods, a nice, simple life...

okay there's my little rant for the evening. I need to start thinking about what I want to do in the way of gardening here... I should plan durring the winter, and then plant early spring, yay for growing you're own food, and getting back into your religion.

Julius, Ghost and I went up to see Joyia last weekend, that was a lot of fun, I got to snuggle up with her and Scout for most of Saturday night, and a good part of Sunday morning. hehe. I feel loved.

Okay, I think I'm done with the update for now. There are things that have happened that aren't mentioned in here, mainly because they've been resolved, and there's not really a reason to dig them back up again. Not in my mind anyway... Sorry guys... Have a Great Halloween, or Shamhain, or what ever you celebrate tonight...

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