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Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2004 - 5:21 p.m.

So here's how my day has gone so far:

I was soposed to be in Royalston yesterday until thursday, but woke up sick, so I couldn't go... Feeling a bit better today, but still not good enough to go up. I'm bored, out of my mind. My boyfriend doesn't feel like hanging out with me tonight, and my best friend would rather hang onto the hope that he might be able to fuck this chick (who he finds annoying to hang out with and boring to fuck) in his father's new hot tub, (which will only happen if he can bribe his brother to stay upstairs) than go out to dinner and a movie with me. So yeah, I feel nice and rejected, and am commiting myself to a lonly diner in a restaurant (which I find horribly depressing) and a movie which hopefully won't suck. my cell phone's on if anyone cares...

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