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This *will* get easier, right?
Thursday, Jun. 03, 2004 - 12:10 a.m.

There was game today, and game was good. He was the first one here, we talked, about games. I didn't ask for a hug, but now I wish I had. He seamed good. But then again, I'm relativly sure I did too, and I'm not, because if I was I wouldn't be crying right now would I? He left with a casual goodbye. We huged before we started going out. And I was just going to get into a big long detail on that, but I realized that I'm just over analyising.

What is really bothering me, is that I sit here, and I think of the things I wanted to do with him, things I wanted to say, and how I hadn't gotten around to it, because I thought he'd always be there. I know he's still there, but it's not approprate to say or do these things anymore.

I don't know, I'm just pathetic, and still not over this, so I'll shut up now I guess...

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