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Bloody Entry: Survey
Sunday, Jun. 20, 2004 - 1:20 a.m.

1. If you could spend one uninterupted hour today with any person alive, who would it be? Why? What would you do or discuss? Why?
Today? Avigen. I'd just want to be held by him, and have him talk to me about nothing important. Maybe to have him tell me stories. It would be him because he's been lingering in my thoughts this week, more so than usual, and I miss him.

2. a) Which work or home responsibilities do you find most fulfilling?
Grocery shopping. I like to start off with a set amount of money, and see how close I can come to it without going over, based soley on my estimations. I just like holding the numbers in my brain.
b) Which do you find most frustrating?
Doing the dishes. There's nothing fun about doing the dishes.

3. If you could do anything in the world, and be certain of success, what would you do?
I'd either be a actress on broadway, or a photographer.

4. If you and your significant other were stranded on an island for one month, what topic would you most like to discuss?
We'd probably talk like we normaly do, about everything, what we miss from the main land. How cold she'd be after going for a swim.

5. Is there a topic you would avoid?
I'd try to avoid the topic of the people we'd miss from the main land.

6. Besides the necessities of food, clothing, and shelter, what would you most want to have with you?
A camera, A pen a journal, and a solar powered radio.

7. If you became more rich than you could imagine today, what would you want to do with the money?
Buy a neighborhood so all my friends could live close together, Buy a new car. Pay off my debt. Donate to charity. Not every have to work again.

8. If your house caught on fire (and everyone was safely out) what three things would you most want to save? Why?
(Pets are included in everyone) My "magick box", my Picture box, and my red and black corsett (only because you asked for 3 and I paid too much for it to let it burn)

9. a)What things about yourself do you treasure?
My imagination, my strength, my ecclecticness
b) Is there something that you think you should apreciate more in yourself?
There probably is, but I can't think of it now.

10. What would you still like to learn to do? Why?
Play the Piano, and Speak Japaneese. I've always wanted to learn the piano, and I think anyone who only speaks one language should at least want to learn another.

11. If you could suddenly possess an extrodinary talent in one of the arts, which would you like it to be?

12. If you had to define love in a few simple words or actions, how would you do it?
Laying close together while you're both still half asleep and having a smile on your lips.

13. If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go?
To see how Karissa is, and tell her I'm sorry that I can't seam to keep in touch with her.

14. If you had to select the sexiest word in the English language, what would you pick?
After the Vagina Monolouges? cunt.

15. If you had to name the one thing that frightens you most about growning old, what would it be?
being forgotten.

16. If you could hear the deathbed confessions of one person from history, who would you pick?

17. If you had to pick the most sensual part of your own body, what would you pick?
My tounge.

18. If you had the power to hypnotize anyone for a day, who would you pick and what would you have them do?
Avigen, I would have him tell me everything.

19. If you had to chose the one thing that gives you the most comfort, what would it be?
That wonderful floaty state of existance right befor reality crashed down to wake you up.

20. If you had to give up your favorite food forever, what's the minimum amount of money you would demand in return?
I don't think I'd ask for money to give up a food. There's nothing I can really think of now that I couldn't give up.

21. If you learned there actually was a Heaven and Hell, what's the first thing you'd change about your life?
I wouldn't. There is more than one denomination of christianity that states if you don't follow their specific doctrine that you will go to hell, so we're all going anyway, why bother to change the way I am? If Heaven and hell exist, and christians are right, I'm worshiping Satan disguising himself as a deity anyway, so maybe if I get in good with him he'll give me a job.

22. If your soul was a color, which color would it be?
The color of Blue Goldstone.

23. What's your favorite number? Is there a reason for it?
I like the number 3. It's the magic number.

24. If you had to name the one most important ingredient of human beauty, what would you say it is?
Facial expressions.

25. If you could have any room in the world become your bedroom from now on, which room would you choose?
I'd take an Indian Maharaja's silk bedecked, pillow laden bedroom.

26. a) If you were a natural phenomena, which would you be?
a Rainbow, not quite ready to make itself real. Not quite there.
b) If you were a mythological being, which would you be?
A mermaid, I love to watch hair flowing underwater.
c) If you were a metal, which would you be?
White gold: not quite what I appear to be at first glance.
d)If you were a sensation, which would you be?
A sneeze: a great feeling of expectation that sometimes expresses itself, and sometimes just makes you wrinkle your nose.

27. What is the best example of perfection that you can think of?
The feeling of silky long hair on your back.

28. What's the strongest craving you get?
Sexual cravings.

29. You discover your wonderful one-year-old child is, because of a mixup at the hospital, not yours. Would you want to exchange the child to try to correct the mistake?
It would depend on what the other parents wanted, but I would want to be in both child's lives if it were possible.

30. If Jesus showed up on your doorstep and offered to answer any one question, what would you ask?
What did you really want to teach us?

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