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Party good, Sick bad
Tuesday, Jul. 06, 2004 - 10:52 p.m.

Okay, I updated the cast page per piskie's request.

I've been in bed most of yesterday and today. I hate colds in the summertime. Of course it could also be West Nile Virus, doesn't that have flu like symptoms? I'm runny, and stuffy, and light headed, and I had a fever last night. I also have two bites on my leg that look suspiciously red... I could be dieing...

Anyway, Fzzy and Red had a 4th of July party on Sunday. I had a pretty good time, I didn't drink much, but it was really good to see everyone again. Animeboy was there, so was Dr. and DWD, and of course Fuzzy and Red. It wasn't the best Fuzzy party, but I'm really glad I went. I got a lap dance from Red, and Dr. and had to judge. (red won).

Part of the party was really hard though. I realized, that outside of game this is the first time Avigen and I have been in the same place for an extended period of time, and I also realized that I'm not as okay with that as I thought I would be. I still don't know how to act, and I'm still mad about some of the things he said, and I still feel like this whole thing wasn't the right thing to do. I eventually got to the point where I needed to be alone for a bit, so I went inside and sat in the living room alone for about half an hour. Some people came in, but they just went upstairs. Fuzzy came in and made me feel better though. we talked for a bit, I didn't tell him all of the stuff that bothers me about the breakup, just that I wasn't dealing well. He told me it took him about six months to be okay with his last ex. I told him that Avigen was moving in in August. We talked a little more, He told me that his Imandra sence had been tingling. It's really comforting to know that he still has that. I really missed him, and I'm going to make a real effort to stay in touch with him and Red. Red wants me to join her table top Vampire game, maybe I'll actually enjoy this one. It's only once a month, so that's not so bad, and it doesn't start until september, so I'll have time to get a job, and get my insurance back, and hopefully have a new(er) car.

As soon as I kick this cold I'm going to go into overdrive looking for a job, like I don't care if it's two part time jobs and I have no life, I will go back to work, if I have to spend much more time in this house all day with nowhere to go I'm going to kill myself...

Okay That's all for now I think

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