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Wednesday, Jul. 28, 2004 - 2:10 a.m.

so It's 2 in the morning, and I'm doing the dishes. I hate doing the dishes, and I'm so stupid about them too, If I just did them the day after Julius did then it wouldn't be so bad, and He and I wouldn't have to fight about it. Yeah we got into a fight. It's been my turn to do the dishes for a couple of days now, and I just haven't felt like doing them, because as I said, I hate doing the dishes. So I procrastinated, like I do from time to time. Like I always will do over some things. Some peole are like that others aren't. Anyway, Julius was being very annoying about the dishes not being done, like he didn't say anything about the amount of dishes, he was making comments about what I was choosing to do with my evening. that gets on my nerves. I had a feel-like-shit day today and I know I'm being a bitch about it, but whatever, I'm doing them now, and I definatly don't need him to be my mother. I don't care if it's childish, I'll act that way if I want. The dishes are being done. Fuck him. I'm sick of so much in my life right now, I don't want to be sick of my living situation too. Sometimes I really just want to run away. I feel like that might make everyones life easier you know? Julius could find a roomate that can hold a job, and does the dishes on time. Avigen wouldn't have to deal with living with some one who's too fucked up to keep dating after 6 years. I could just go live in a apartment where nobody knows me, and collect animals.

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