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Bloody Entry: Happy New Yea-::coughcough::
Thursday, Jan. 06, 2005 - 12:23 a.m.

Okay, so I apparently suck at updating on a regular basis. Sorry about that. Christmas was pretty much me sitting on a couch all night. I didn�t do too much. Shot the shit with my cousins for the most part. I sometimes find it weird that I usually end up spending time with the cousins, while my two (younger) sisters spend their time talking with the aunts. I don�t want to grow up. Christmas eve was spent at my fathers parents house, with his side of the family. That is usually pretty interesting. That side of my family isn�t particularly close, or my family isn�t close with that side of the family. My mom and sisters usually go off to a corner somewhere and participate in whatever conversation is going on in the room they�re in. My dad and one of my uncles usually get into some sort of debate. The other uncle usually splits his time between the debate, and the room that I�m in with one or more of my aunts and a few cousins. We go home around 11.
I spent the night at my parent�s house, but since the bitchy one is home, and my old room has been converted into a closet, I slept on the couch, and therefore spent the night making sure the cat didn�t try to eat ornaments off of the Christmas tree. Then Mom�s side comes over and much talking and eating, and opening presents ensues. And that is Christmas in a nutshell, same thing every year.

I wish I could say that New Years was better. Jow came over, the first day he was here he was really sick, then I got sick, then Julius, then Avigen, then Ghost, then AnimeGirl. Julius is better now, Avigen got sent home from work today, and AnimeGirl looks like death incarnate. I�m down to a cough, and my period, and a stuffy feeling head. Happy New Year to me eh?

There was a job interview in there somewhere, but I think I blew it when I couldn�t find the building, and was late to the interview. I haven�t heard back from them. I�m thinking it�s back to the mall as soon as I can finish a sentence in anything other than a fit of coughing. Yeah, I�m gonna go to bed now.

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