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Bloody Entry: Depression and Loathing in my bedroom
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2005 - 12:48 a.m.

I need a job. I don�t know how to elaborate on that. I don�t know how to express how heavy that statement is. I�ve got no more unemployment to collect. I�ve got just over $20 in the bank. I�ve really brought myself to the edge this time, I just wonder if it�s too far to turn back. Why is it so hard for me to just do things? That�s what the problem is when you boil it all down. I don�t ever do any of the things I need to do. I�m late on taxes that are left to myself. My room�s a pigsty, bills unpaid, car doesn�t run, and now no job. Ugh, I don�t know. I suck. Really and truly.

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