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Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005 - 2:07 a.m.

Jen, Joe and I didn't go to your halloween party because we felt like spending time together. Alone. I appologized to you for that, if you're still holding that against me, that is your problem, not mine.

I didn't go to your New Year's party because I was sick, plain and simple. I went to bed at 10:30 on New Year's eve, and spent most of the next week in bed. I didn't blow you off.

I'm sorry I forgot to give chris directions when you called me the wednesday before new year's. You called while they were in the middle of a game, I was upstairs staying out of the way since I don't play the game Andrew runs on wednesdays, and by the time I came down stairs he had already left.

I don't control Joe's every move, and I most certainly didn't "cause him to blow you off too" He makes his own decisions, don't pin them on me.

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