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Quick Update
Tuesday, Apr. 12, 2005 - 5:26 a.m.

I'm not dead, I've just kind of started working again. I'm babysitting Red and Fuzzy's baby (who is almost three now, wierd no?)durring the week. They don't have internet access, and I babysit from 6:30 in the morning until about 3, and then I usually hang out with Fuzzy and Red after, and by the time I get home, I need to go to bed, sinci I now wake up at 5;00 in the morning. Let me tell you, I definatly perfer 5:00 from the going-to-bed-at side. So yeah, here are the bigger events with no real story behind them, just the update:

*My parents and the little one are moving to Florida w/i the next 6 months

*I broke up with Jow

*I'm going down to see Joyia this weekend

*Piskie is very missed down here.

*I think this thing needs a new layout.

*Piskie, when you get back to your computer, can you send me you're Biff Naked songs, or maybe burn them on a disk for me? I'm on a kick, and I don't have enough right now. (I have blank disks if you don't )

*There should be more updates next week, I'm dogsitting for my parents , which means I won't be lingering around Fuzzy and Red's after they get home.

Okay, more later, eventually

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