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Bloody Entry: Late night/Early morning Rant
Aug. 21, 2005 - 03:15

Ugh. I want to go to FL. I just want to get this move over with. Our house is going up on the market on Monday (yay), we called our real estate agent down in FL earlier this week to talk about putting an offer out for the Playboy Mansion, but by the time we had everything set to go, someone had already offered and been accepted. So no Playboy Mansion for us. The White house had a backup contract pending on it, but there are all these clauses that go along with buying that house, so there's the possibility that it might go back on the market, and if our house has sold by then we could put an offer on that one. Our FL agent sent Mom a few more houses, but she's so fed up with this whole thing that she's not really thinking too clearly. Honestly? I think that the two of us should hop a plane, and stay for a few days to look at the houses that he's sent us. We have a better Idea of what we're doing now. We know about what we should be getting for this house, so we might even be able to put an offer on a house this time. We're not going though. ::sigh:: I'm starting to get aggravated, and if I had the money, I'd just go down myself, even if I had to stay with my cunt of a grandmother. I just want this to be done. I'm gonna go nuts if I don't get a job soon, and it's pointless for me to get a job here if we're moving so soon. I just want this to be done.

On the plus side. I was talking to the Little One, and she told me that in FL, if you go to a community college for two years you can go to any FL State school for free... This makes me happy, I'll go to Community college and get my GER's out of the way, then I'll go to a State College and become a Zoologist. Yay for animals!

I've probably written about this before, but I'm really having a lot of fun at Hogwarts Interactive. It's just an online RP, but it's really neat. There's actual class registration, and terms and whatnot, it's not like it's just a bunch of people posting random shit everywhere. It's still very new, like this is the first term that they're running. It makes me happy to know that I got in on this in the beginning. If you sign up, make sure you say that Samantha Winters referred you, and let me know that you signed up.

Have you all seen the new trailer for Goblet of Fire? I. Can't. Wait. for this movie. I'm re-reading the book for the 7th or 8th time. I'll still cry when I get to the end too. It bothers me on a certain level that there's only one more book left to be written. It truly does.

I think I want to find a Harry Potter Layout. I'll probably keep switching between Fruits Basket and Harry Potter once I find a layout that I like. I'm off to do that now.

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