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Bloody entry: A note on storage
Oct. 10, 2005 - 01:59

I miss my bed. I am so sick of sleeping on a twin sized mattress on the floor. There is noting good about my current sleeping situation. Except for my boyfriend pillow. I have one of those boyfriend pillows on my bed. You know, the pillows with arms that you use to lean on when you want to read. It's black, and corduroy, and it has pockets on the side for holding pens and things like that. It makes me happy, because I got it for $10 like two years ago. The sheets on my bed aren't really that bad either, they're the jersey t-shirt material, and they have suns and moons on them. The pillow case is a little too small for my pillow though. I just want my queen sized bed back. I can't wait to get that new mattress, and set up my nice wrought iron bed frame, and to be able to sleep a reasonable distance from the floor.

Red, Dax, and I all hung out yesterday. We went to see Corpse Bride (Yay Tim Burton!!), then Red took us to her work to look at the guy she's crushing on, then we went to the porn store down the street, because Imandra packed her vibrator away back in June, thinking that she was only going to be in MA until the beginning of august.

Last night I had a dream that there was a mosquito with a jackhammer on the side of my head.

Moral of this entry?

If you want to hide your vibrator in your boyfriend's pockets, make sure you take the batteries out, unless you want to wake up with a ringing in your ears.

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