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The day before I left
Oct. 30, 2005 - 20:13

Okay, so I'm here in Florida, finally. I was supposed to fly down on Wednesday, but there was no water at Ft. Lauderdale Airport, so the flight was cancled. Wednesday was a tough day...

I spent about a half an hour on the floor that morning crying over my dog. Haley is my 13 year old German Shepard. She is the second dog I've ever owned, and I was much to young to remember my first. As things usuly go with shepards, her hips have gotten pretty bad, and we all knew that she wouldn't be coming to Florida with us. I am personaly of the opinion that she shoud have been put to sleep a few months ago. I know that might sound cold, but if you had known her for the 13 years of her life, you would have had the same opinion. All she does is sleep, she began loosing control of her bladder and bowels about a month ago, and when she looks at you she just has this deep sadness in her eyes. My parents recongnized it too, but they weren't ready to let go. Anyway, I hought I was going to be at the vets when she was put to sleep, I thought it was something that was going to be taken care of before I was gone, but it wasn't (Her appointment is actually tomorrow), this changed things. I felt horrible about leaving her there. I was just curled up on the floor with her, crying and petting her, and she was just licking my face. I thought that was the last time I was going to see her.

Then I was talking to Lights online, and I was crying over that conversation.

My mother and I left the house way before my flight, the idea was to go to the cemetary and see Popa and Grammy one more time before I left. I took a pebble from their grave, and I mad a pagan rosary with a little box charm on the bottom that holds the pebble. I used hematite, and sodalite.

After the cemetary, we went out to lunch. There was an old couple siting at the booth across from us, and the man reminded me so much of Popa that I started crying again. It was a very wet day all around.

Anyway, then we get to the airport, and find out that I have to wait until the nex day to even go. blah.

I'm here now though, and It's like 80 degrees. Things are torn to shit down here because of the hurricane, but they're slowly getting better, and we're very lucky, the only damage we had were a couple of broken roof tiles.

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