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sometimes you're nothing but meat
November 26, 2001 - 11:52 p.m.

Okay, this is a lot easier than keeping a journal on my webpage, so maybe I'll just do this here instead. My name is Imandra (no not really), I am 19 years old. I graduated from Highschool in 2000, and went to college for most of a semester. I didn't want to go, which is why I stoped so soon. I've never liked school. I barely graduated high school, and I didn't (still don't) know what I wanted to do with my life. Everyone told me to apply to colleges in case I decided that I wanted to go, so I did. And when I got accepted everyone said that I should go and give it a chance, so I did. It's not what I want to do right now, so I'm not doing it. Right now I'm working and saving up to buy a new car (I smashed my old one a while ago). I'm not overly happy with my life, but I'm happier than I would be if I were still in school, I think. I live with my parents, a situation I am trying to remedy. That, however, is not going to be fixed until the aforementioned car problem is resolved.

When I'm not flying between my two jobs you'll usually find me with my friends.

I watch movies and sit in my driveway talking until two in the mourning with my best friend JuliusBlaise. He's got a diary here too (I'm elfwood in his entries). He's actually the reason I've even got this thing, we'll see how long it takes him to figure out that I got one hehehe.

I try to watch movies with Avigen, but we usually get 'distracted'. Avigen is one of my older friends. I don't know what we are, I know what I'd like us to be, but I don't think he wants that, so I'm there for him as much as possible and try to stay content with our movie time.

Aislinn is Julius' ex-girlfriend. I'm really good friends with her too, which occisinally make things ackward, like before they broke up and I got to play counslor for the both of them, but that's okay, Aislinn brings out the girly side in me, and we almost always laugh when we hang out.

When I'm not watching movies with people I'm usually rolelaying. I love D&D and whitewolf.... okay this is the introductory entry, and I think it's just about done. You'll no doubt get my whining later on when I'm bored and struck with one of my random(e) bouts of depression. hope you enjoyed...


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