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from the throat of the loon
December 07, 2001 - 12:34 a.m.

::steadfastly ignoring the feeling of alone-ness::

I had fun tonight. I went to Piskie and spider monkey's house and we played "Wheel of Time". I like my character, and the way spider monkey plays. ::sigh:: I need to get a secret santa gift for a girl that I've spent like maybe two hours time with... I need to do it for sunday. this entry is going to jump all over the place tonight, because that's how my brain is, going in a million differen't directions. I feel like I need eight keyboards, and sets of hands to be able to get everything down. Too Bad people can't read in layers.

I'm opening with piskie tomorrow, that'll be fun. then I have to decide weather or not to watch my character in werewolf get raped by DWD. I probably will. Juluis is sick. part of me wants to wrap him up and give him hot soup, and make him feel better, but another part of me thinks that that might be wierd. and then the logical part of me steps up and points out that it doesn't really matter, because even if It wouldn't be wierd I don't have the time (unless of course I blow off werewolf). ::shrug:: I don't know. I want Avigen to play in the wheel of time game. I think he'd have fun, piskie's character is really neat, and I love my character sooo much right now. She's eight, and right now she's just been orphened, and she' a wanderer (one of the classes in the game, a rogue basically), but within the storyline of the game she's going to become a wilder (and untrained magic user). I really like the fact that I get to play her from childhood. I have this thing for makeing really young characters, I like how that gives you the option to develop little quirks about them in game, and have real reasons for them, rather than just making it up as you go along... hehehe. okay, my head is killing me, and a soothing as the cancer-causing light from my computer screen is I think I'm gonna go upstairs and struggle with the shit in my brain until the shit kicks my ass and I become unconsious. g'night

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